My Shamrocks
My Shamrocks Autumn 2016
I have had Oxalidaceae Oxalis debilis included as an integral part of my garden the whole time. Forever. Got the original bulbs (tubers?) from good ole Mom. Actually, I am not sure if what Mom gave me fit the botanical definition of tubers... more like a handful of muddy plant material dripping water all over my clean pants. Below is an image of Mom during her final Christ's Mass season with her family.

Here in Nevada U.S.A. the plants hibernate during the summer if left to thrive on their own account. Just keep the tubers moist enough so they do not dehydrate; not moist enough so they rot and mildew. Mostly, I have had my specimens in containers, but sometimes I have grown them directly in the soil. From my own experience these are a tough, hardy, and enduring perennial, and true to that definition. The Wikipedia page offers a lot of important scientific information. This year I am glad to have remembered to photographically document proof of this seasonal hibernation that occurs in the Eastern Mojave Valley. The photographs following document the recovery from hibernation. The images themselves are dated and time stamped.This first image below captures the plant as it appeared on 22 October2016.
While the image below captures the same plant on 13 September 2016 a little over one month earlier. At the end of the very harsh Mojave Summer Season
This third image illustrates the recovery process best in light of the other two photos.The image was captured on the 30th of September.
As I put together this post, the feeling inside is so pleasing to me. I have intended to put together this article for years, only all of the factors never lined up. The above images are all of the same potted plant, in the same location and position, with the timing sequence in just the right order.The strands of old growth hanging over the side dead are last year's growth which is usually added to my mulch area. Like I posted earlier, everything just fit together like a puzzle this year. Another thing that I am relearned while researching for this post? That this plant is quite edible. There is a downside though. The article I read stated that the chemicals inside Oxalis deplete calcium.
Captured: St. Patrick's Day2016
Shamrocks also exhibit a property known as nyctinasty. The Wiki link explains it quite well... as do I hope my images.
Below is an image of one of my shamrock containers on October 28th at 0920 hrs. All of the plants are in full bloom here in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.The blooms are fully open to capture the day's sunlight
This year I remembered to capture images of the plants as time opened and closed the blooms.This next image below shows the plant in partial nyctinasty. Captured on the 23rd of October at 1645 hours.
Partial Nyctinasty
What happens each year is I move, prune, or transplant the shamrocks before capturing the nyctinasty process. Below is an image of the "same" shamrock closed and in full nyctinasty.This last image was captured on the 24th of October at 1630hrs.
Fully closed
Please note the condition of the pot. I have three that are all pretty beat up from sun baking and age. A shout out to any rich scavengers and/or other acquaintances that could assist me (the financially challenged crippled old guy) because I really need a new planter for my shamrocks. Mom gave them to me. And am just plain flat @55 broke most of the time. Surely would appreciate it. In addition, I am proud to be a Mick, pure, all the way back to the boat. On Dad's side before the boat, one of my grannies was a Welch woman. Gael just the same.
Another unique property of these edible plants is the swirled unopened bud. I zoomed-in and cut out a detail to show you folks with closed blooms in the same image.
Rounded up this image from February of last year to show how full and beautiful these potted plants can get. Not many blooms yet this is during high Winter.
The image below was captured during January 2017 at Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.The temperature is getting down to 35°F through 40°F during the night and 60°F up toward 66°F during the day. The plants are flourishing. The foliage is so very dark green it could almost appear to be tinted a purple color.
Saint Patrick's Day is coming up on March 17th and I must keep this in mind.