Sunday, March 22, 2020

Getting Stuff And Checking On Neighbors

Getting Stuff And Checking On Neighbors

Getting Stuff And Checking On Neighbors

Was on the phone with my wife earlier, and she was out of groceries. Had a few suggestions: convenience stores, thrift stores, and Dollar General. Those stores have food and any commodites we might need through the shutdowns of major markets. My city the casinos are closed, non-essential businesses are closed. Whew. Am wondering if the laundry is closed, and if the conveninience store is closed. In my opinion they are essential. 23 March 2020 - the convenience store is still open. The internet is still up. wa reading an article and the casinos are still closed; figuring out how the workers will get unemployment benefits must be a nightmare for the leadership. And hospitals, banks, are still open during the shutdown. The article i read says casinos, theaters, bars, sporting arenas, hair salons, and some restaurants will be closed. Hospitals, law enforcement, gas stations, discount stores, and laudromats will be open. This is good because I need to do laundry. Still need to do laundry. Guessing that is a priority for me and dont need to get it done. It is eeriely quiet at night and not too much traffic. Want to go down to the strip and grab some photos.

© Copyright by Lonnie D. Watkins

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Healthcare And Corona Virus

healthcare And the Corona Virus

healthcare And Corona Virus

With the death of Dr. Li Wenliang after being reprimanded for spreading "false" rumors about the SARS symptoms of Wuhan virus, the Chinese commission on Healthcare Reform has gotten involved in squelching rumors about the virus. Although the number of healthcare workers being infected is lower than with SARS and MERS, it is still a tragedy. The important thing is that we have nurses and docs to care for us. According to Business Insider at least 3300 hospital staffers have contracted the virus.According to Nature magazine dot com around 250 healthcare workers have contracted the disease in Italy.

© Copyright by Lonnie D. Watkins

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Panic Buying

Panic Buying

Panic Buying

Just read trends on twitter. #panicbuying was one trend. the hoarding of goods to "weather" the plague. I thought it quite odd.Buying up TP instead of papertowels? Is just an alarmist point of view. How about the guys garage that is full of hand-sanitizer? Seems he doesnt have a place to park his car. At least it will not go bad. The neighborhood seems quiet tonight because at least "social distancing" is working.

Seems to me that social distancing would work better than panic buying. The current coronavirus situation is very much like the five-stages of grief. No one in Europe took the virus seriously until Italy came up with a huge jump in coronavirus cases. The current situation in Italy is at worldometer. So how do we look at the "Virus", like a joke or take it seriously? The 1918 Flu epidemic was the same with soldiers coming home from the War. The flu was H1N1 and no one really understands how it spread so much (50 million deaths worldwide; 675 thousand deaths inside the United States). The biggest threat was the latency... the time it took to catch the full blown flu compared to just having the flu. Sounds familiar to this flu virus, doesnt it. People buying up all the TP in a store compared to running out is wise yet foolish.

A pandemic,rampant and rife, is only what you make of it.

UPDATE: 24 March 2020 - Panic buying has virtually stopped in the U.S. I think it was because of the media stigmatizing buyers.

© Copyright by Lonnie D. Watkins

Turkey - a rock and a hardplace

Turkey - A Rock and A Hardplace

Turkey - A Rock and A Hardplace

Begun on 13 March 2020

The new Sultan of Turkey, Teccip Edrogen, is playing a dangerous game. He keeps trying to "have his cake and eat it too". Instead of stopping the illegal immigration of Moosleems at his borders he is allowing them in as a bargaining chip to hold over the heads of the E.U. (Afghans, etc.) and apparently it wont work.The Greeks are fighting back. And he is picking a fight with the Russians in Syria although.The new demarcation of the M-4 highway running through the center of Idlib Province is the place.

Wondering how the "game" of cat and mouse if working for the new Sultan. There are 3.7 million illegal migrants inside Turkey from Syria at the moment, and the government says it can no longer care for them (the E.U. has paid billions). In additon, 36 Turkish troops were killed by Syria on February 27. Turkey downed two Syrian jets in response. and Turkish drones have killed well over 2000 SAA fighters (Pakistani, Afghani, and other nations)as well. According to Axios the Turkish government is being backhanded because the E.U. has paid billions to Turkey to care for the refugees.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

Friday, March 13, 2020

Ukrainain malfaescence. Again?

Ukrainian Malfaescence. Again?

Ukrainian Malfaescence. Again?

Soros and U.S. taxpayer money.

Rudolph Giuliani issued an appeal on YouTube that this does not get swept under the rug by the "NO STATE" and that the Democratic Party members (hold overs from Obama) are held accountable to the American public (taxpayers). Not to mention Soros!! Giuliani issued a plea that the people involved with the theft of money be invesitigated. Therefore, I am writing a blog post.

The video opens with the mention of the old time theme of common sense espoused by Thomas Paine, his book, Common Sense, opened the eyes of the average American about the British monarchists who bamboozled the politics of that era. Then, it breaks away to the "rationality".

Which leads me into a discussion of the "No State" and how they are hiding $3 billion. All in the name of A.I.D.S. epidemic and how the moral of its victims (both of the disease and the support ancillary) is being targeted or ignored.

Three billion Missing - Where did it go?

The Obama Administration and the U.S. Embassy has or had 3 billion in missing U.S. aid to the Ukraine (2015-2017). The charges against the N.G.O. NABU are from 2016. No investigation. No Visas. "Any information" was blocked by the Embassy, and any information regarding the misappropriation of U.S. money and information leading to the finding of the taxpayer dollars was suppressed by the "Embassy". The interim Charge de Affairs is a Trump appointee because the charge was made that it was an "official document." It seems that a Soros owned N.G.O. and some Ukrainian theft of money to go to people with Hiv/Aids moral boost. Where is the money? The fat slob Soros and his cronies? Or Democratic "No State" holdovers from the Obama Administration? With the impeachment procedings leveled against President Trump recently, I felt it was my duty as an American taxpayer to ask, "Where is the money?" Should be mentioned that the foreign aid given before the Trump Administration is just going to forgotten about; "No State" politics again.

I am just sitting here with five dollars to my name. And am just thinking that this is a shame.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Globalization and Disease



Globalization: the free dictionary (Commerce) the emergence since the 1980s of a single world market dominated by multinational companies, leading to a diminishing capacity for national governments to control their economies (Commerce) the process by which a company, etc, expands to operate internationally.

The interconnectivity of economic endeavors or simply put as "international trade" has made the spread of deadly pathogens with ease. Without the constant vigilance of government "centers for disease control" we would have wiped out ourselves years ago. This is only too apparent with the recent outbreak of the "novel coronavirus" outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei. It is incumbant that each and every nation is honest and forthcoming about new disease and their efforts to combat the spread of disease among humans (and animals). With the advent or invention of faster ways to travel internationally, EACH nation is responsible for the health of the world! Instead of infantile policies of secrecy and keeping thing private! We should be helping each other, as nations, to build a sense of trust and harmony with one another. Is not the time for childish games of foreign policy over, and finished; given the new abilities of travel and interconnectivity past. Am not too fond or happy with commie chinese or their policies, but look at how much the lack of compassion the Chinese Government has cost the world in terms of money. trust, and gppd-faith.

Etiology: the modern branch of science that deals with the causes of infectious disease, recognizes five major modes of disease transmission: airborne, waterborne, bloodborne, by direct contact, and through vector (insects or other creatures that carry germs from one species to another).This definition makes the censorship and control moot.the free dictionary discusion of globalization and disease and how it is interconnected teaches us that the hypothesis is correct. It is not supernatural mumbo-jumbo any longer.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Covering Up Coronavirus

Covering Up Coronavirus

Covering Up Coronavirus

COVID-19 Outbreak World Map

The Chinese cover up of the coronavirus was detrimental to even one person; is a crime. Now, there is a back and forth betwwen China and the U.S. on "who" covered up the errors. The cover up cost us two months of time. Axios has printed a report that the "INITIAL" silencing of the doctors, which so far has claimed four lives of the said doctors, because the protocol wasnt put into place in time. There are ways which doctors seperate chemical compounds (diseases) so that the general population does not get infected. Doctors with the skill to segregate infectious diseases from infectious diseases; that know the difference between indentifiable disease and novel disease. In order to protect the Socialist (Sanders) ideal from the detached and West. Already putting some spin on the narrative, saying that the response time was timely. And that according to Axios the Western press cannot state whether the virus came from the fish market in Wuhan or somewhere else. The fact remains the it is named the Wuhan coronavirus and that it originated in theFish market of Wuhan. The simple fact is that the Chinese did not follow "best medical practices" when trying to contain the initial outbreak of the pnuemonia-like virus. According to Foreign Policy the Chinese were "timely" in the response to the virus.

UPDATE: 16 March 2020 - There is a trend on FB. Calling the virus Trump's compared to China's virus. Have to look at the name of corona virus - 19 and why it is called Wuhan in the first place. There is a laboratory in Wuhan that grew the virus and the head of epidemiology in Wuhan, Hubei died from the virus.

tToday's count: 22 march 20 - 340,408 have the virus and there are 14,573 deaths worldwide.

UPDATE: 24 March 2020 - There is talk of unconfirmed people error in the articles onine. No major cover ups like the beginning of this article boasted. Italy is the major (Lombardy region) European epicenter of the disease. China has reported no new cases for three days and lockdowns have eased. Iran has reported that the virus is in its population centers and the virus is not a "Yanque conspiracy."Europe is in lockdown with 19 of 29 countries on nation-wide quarantine; the U.K. is enforcing not more than two people at a time as part of the social distancing policy.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

Sunday, March 1, 2020




Went out and there was an illustrious sunrise. Deep and rich orange. Wanted to show you to give an idea of the sunrise here in Vegas.

This photo is from my backyard over my loud neighbors front yard.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins