Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Covering Up Coronavirus

Covering Up Coronavirus

Covering Up Coronavirus

COVID-19 Outbreak World Map

The Chinese cover up of the coronavirus was detrimental to even one person; is a crime. Now, there is a back and forth betwwen China and the U.S. on "who" covered up the errors. The cover up cost us two months of time. Axios has printed a report that the "INITIAL" silencing of the doctors, which so far has claimed four lives of the said doctors, because the protocol wasnt put into place in time. There are ways which doctors seperate chemical compounds (diseases) so that the general population does not get infected. Doctors with the skill to segregate infectious diseases from infectious diseases; that know the difference between indentifiable disease and novel disease. In order to protect the Socialist (Sanders) ideal from the detached and West. Already putting some spin on the narrative, saying that the response time was timely. And that according to Axios the Western press cannot state whether the virus came from the fish market in Wuhan or somewhere else. The fact remains the it is named the Wuhan coronavirus and that it originated in theFish market of Wuhan. The simple fact is that the Chinese did not follow "best medical practices" when trying to contain the initial outbreak of the pnuemonia-like virus. According to Foreign Policy the Chinese were "timely" in the response to the virus.

UPDATE: 16 March 2020 - There is a trend on FB. Calling the virus Trump's compared to China's virus. Have to look at the name of corona virus - 19 and why it is called Wuhan in the first place. There is a laboratory in Wuhan that grew the virus and the head of epidemiology in Wuhan, Hubei died from the virus.

tToday's count: 22 march 20 - 340,408 have the virus and there are 14,573 deaths worldwide.

UPDATE: 24 March 2020 - There is talk of unconfirmed people error in the articles onine. No major cover ups like the beginning of this article boasted. Italy is the major (Lombardy region) European epicenter of the disease. China has reported no new cases for three days and lockdowns have eased. Iran has reported that the virus is in its population centers and the virus is not a "Yanque conspiracy."Europe is in lockdown with 19 of 29 countries on nation-wide quarantine; the U.K. is enforcing not more than two people at a time as part of the social distancing policy.

blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

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