Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Electrosmog Dangers

electrosmog Dangers

Electrosmog Dangers

This sleeplessness lately has been driving me crazy, and even went to the ER one time. After not sleeping for seven days (I think it was seven days. Was pretty well out of sorts by the time my lack of sleep had become an emergency to me).Have been having sleep and attitude problems. Alongside the pain I deal with daily, the complications in my life have just snowballed. Electrosmog sensitivity earns a disability payment in some places. Have noticed a ringing inside my ears a lot, too, lately.

Am going to begin some legitimate research into this phenomena because it could be dangerous. We only have to look at the warnings included with our cell phones. Have even read that our power meters emit high levels of radio frequency. After a cursory search engine query, located an article discussing some of the issues.

Today, 4 Auguust 2018, I have referenced an F.C.C. article using the Dogpile dot com search index. This search index in "not secure." The F.C.C. site is secure so will query the article on their site. Am not going to query at any more. Found the article on the secure F.C.C. site. Will read this article.

Blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins

Sunday, June 3, 2018

E.U. Cookie Compliance

E.U. Cookie Compliance

My Choice

The E.U. has information on their propaganda site that some may find helpful. Most of this page was written during 2011 and 2012, so apparently, none of the "NEW" compliance requirements are relevant. Am not a New Ager, and One World type person. "I" took up some of the space down at the bottom of each one of my blogs to say that,

I do not do business in the E.U. and am on an American dot com. Am compliant.

Hope this will suffice because it is upon Big Brother inside the Orwellian E.U. to search out my compliance. It is, also, the responsibility of people who live within this Orwellian State to be aware of its cookie policy... just as I am aware of American cookie policies. Personal responsibility... I don't need unelected representatives to "protect" me from the evil they create.

Blog by LonsLens © Lonnie D. Watkins